The Boletus is a mushroom of more recent diversification (between 44 and 34 million years) during the Eocene geological period, in contrast to Agaricus (between 178 and 139 million years).
Their habitat is dominated by oak (Quercus robur, Quercus petrea, Quercus palustris), pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce, chestnut (Castanea sativa), birch (Betula pendula), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and fir. They bear fruit from spring to autumn, after heavy rains.
Fully mature specimens can weigh about 1 kg. The most prized by foodies are young chubs, as older chubs often harbor green fly larvae and become slimy, soft and less palatable as they age. However, it is recommended not to harvest too young specimens in order not to be confused with other inedible or less appreciated species.
The genus Boletus is a mushroom of more recent diversification (between 44 and 34 million years) during the Eocene geological period, in contrast to Agaricus (between 178 and 139 million years).